Snapshot data
Subscribe channel : level2
Push only once, when the level2
channel is established
Data changes
Subscribe channel : level2
"type": "l2update",
"productId": "UNI-USDC",
"time": 1686645711,
"changes": [
"90000000000000000000", // price
"100000000000" // amount
K-line data
Subscribe channel: candles_1m
"type": "candles_1m",
"productId": "UNI-USDC",
"time": 1653273480,
"open": "1100000000000000000",
"close": "1100000000000000000",
"low": "1100000000000000000",
"high": "1100000000000000000",
"volume": "10000000000000000000"
Ticker info
"type": "ticker",
"tradeSeq": 20,
"sequence": 85,
"time": 1650958799,
"productId": "UNI-USDC",
"price": "90000000000",
"side": "sell",
"lastSize": "10000000",
"bestBid": "",
"bestAsk": "",
"volume24h": "110000000000000000",
"volume30d": "310000000000000000",
"low24h": "1000000000000000",
"high24h": "1000000000000000",
"open24h": "1000000000000000",
"close24h": "1000000000000000"
Matching info
Since the settlement of ZKEX is in Layer 2, match
only means that the matching is successful, not that the transaction is successful
"type": "match",
"tradeSeq": 20,
"sequence": 100,
"time": 1650958799,
"productId": "UNI-USDC",
"price": "900000000000",
"size": "1000000000",
"makerOrderId": "1666371045063401472", # maker's order id
"takerOrderId": "1666371045063401471", # taker's order id
"side": "sell"
Trading info
After the match
channel is pushed, if layer2 is actually done, the trade
channel will be pushed.
"type": "trade",
"tradeSeq": 20,
"time": 1650958799,
"productId": "UNI-USDC",
"price": "900000000000",
"size": "1000000000",
"makerOrderId": "1666371045063401472", # maker's order id
"takerOrderId": "1666371045063401471", # taker's order id
"side": "sell",
"status": 2,
"failReason": ""
Order change infomation of a trading pair
"userId": 1,
"clientOid": "1234",
"type": "order",
"sequence": 0,
"id": "50",
"price": "1000000000",
"size": "1000000000000",
"funds": "0",
"productId": "UNI-USDC",
"side": "sell",
"orderType": "limit",
"createdAt": 1650958799,
"fillFees": "0", # fee (calculated in quote tokens)
"filledSize": "0", # number of successfully matched (calculated in base tokens)
"executedValue": "0", # value of successfully matched (calculated in quote tokens)
"status": "new", # order status: `new`, `open`, `filled`, `cancelled`, `cancelling`, `partial`
"settled": false, # whether the matching was successful
"timeInForce": "GTC"
The asset change information of an account
"type": "funds",
"sequence": 0,
"userId": "1",
"currencyCode": "UNI",
"available": "820900000000000000",
"hold": "11741000000000000000"